CRICS9 | 9th. Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information » news eHealth - Reaching universal access to health Wed, 12 Dec 2012 14:12:50 +0000 en hourly 1 La Red Latinoamericana de Centros de Información sobre Gestión del Riesgo participará en el CRICS en Washington, D.C. Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:45:47 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 Una nutrida representación dela Red Latinoamericanade Centros de Información sobre Gestión del Riesgo (RELACIGER) participará  en el Congreso Regional de Información en Ciencias dela Salud, que se celebrará en Washington D.C. del 22 al 24 de octubre de 2012.

El objetivo de esta Red internacional es reducir la ocurrencia e impacto de los desastres en la región a través del fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales de recopilación, sistematización y difusión de información técnica, educativa y científica sobre desastres.

En el CRICS participarán 14 miembros dela Redpertenecientes al Centro Regional de Información sobre Desastres para América Latina y el Caribe (CRID) y dela Comisión Nacionalde Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de Emergencias (CNE) de Costa Rica, el Centro de Protección para Desastres (CEPRODE) yla OrganizaciónPanamericanadela Saludde El Salvador,la BibliotecaVirtualde Desastres dela Universidadde San Carlos de Guatemala, el Centro de Información sobre Desastres y Salud dela BibliotecaMédicaNacional (CIDBIMENA) dela UniversidadNacionalAutónoma de Honduras,la BibliotecaVirtualde Desastres del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios dela Saluddela UniversidadNacionalAutónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, el Centro de Información en Salud y Desastres dela UniversidadNacionalAutónoma de Nicaragua – León y el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI) de Perú.

Muchos de estos centros -algunos de los cuales también participarán en la 6ª reunión de Coordinación Regional dela BibliotecaVirtualen Salud previa al CRICS- coordinanla BVSde desastres en sus respectivos países.

Por su parte, dos de los centros de la Red, el CRID y CIDBIMENA, participarán en el panel “Experiencias y herramientas para la gestión de la información en situaciones de emergencias y desastres”, en el que se presentarán diferentes experiencias y herramientas para gestión de información en emergencias y desastres y se debatirá sobre el cada vez más importante rol de los especialistas en gestión de información en este ámbito.

Al término del CRICS, los miembros dela RedRELACIGERllevarán a cabo una reunión para revisar el estado de avance de los proyectos que, con el apoyo dela NLM, están llevando a cabo los centros dela Red, así como las actividades futuras orientadas al fortalecimiento de ésta.

Sobre la Red RELACIGER

La Redinició su desarrollo en el año 2001 con el apoyo dela BibliotecaNacionalde Medicina de los Estados Unidos (NLM) y dela OrganizaciónPanamericanadela Salud(OPS/OMS), un apoyo que ha continuado hasta ahora y que ha permitido la expansión de la red desde Centroamérica -donde originalmente se creó- hasta algunos países en América del Sur.

La información disponible en RELACIGER es de utilidad para profesionales de primera respuesta o especializados en gestión de desastres; profesionales que planifican o gestionan actividades de reducción de riesgos, o de preparativos o respuesta a desastres; otros profesionales que requieren minimizar la ocurrencia o el impacto de situaciones de crisis en sus áreas de actividad; investigadores, docentes, y estudiantes en temas afines, así como el público en general.

La información proporcionada por los Centros RELACIGER proviene de profesionales e instituciones del área de desastres en la región y de instituciones internacionales. Adicionalmente,  las instituciones miembros de RELACIGER producen recursos y herramientas de información originales basadas en las necesidades y oportunidades de sus propias comunidades, tales como software para la gestión de información, bases de datos especializadas, y materiales de docencia, entre otros. Los productos y servicios dela Red RELACIGERestán disponibles a través de los sitios Web de sus miembros y localmente en los Centros de Información de los países de la región.

Para más información:

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Sir Michael Marmot emphasizes the importance of networking in testimony on video for CRICS9 Tue, 09 Oct 2012 03:09:02 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 In a video especially recorded for CRICS, Sir Michael Marmot, Chair of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, from World Health Organization (WHO), shares his experience in leading this initiative, emphasizing the importance of networking, consolidation of knowledge networks and learning with the realities of different countries.

Brazil, Chile, Canada, UK and other countries emphasize the role of examples in developing programs to improve the social determinants of health.

Michael Marmot has been leading a research group on health inequalities for 30 years. He is the Principal Investigator of the Whitehall Studies of British civil servants, investigating the fundaments  of the striking inverse social gradient in morbidity and mortality. He leads the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and is engaged in several international research efforts on social determinants of health. He chairs the Department of Health Scientific Reference Group on tackling health inequalities. He was a member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution for six years and is an honorary fellow of the British Academy. In 2000 he was knighted by Her Majesty The Queen for services to Epidemiology and understanding health inequalities.


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Invitation: Welcome Ceremony – 21st October Fri, 05 Oct 2012 15:21:54 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 Dear CRICS9 Attendee,

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) through its Specialized Center in health information, BIREME/PAHO/WHO, cordially invites you to the Welcome Ceremony of the 9th Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information (CRICS9), which will be held at Organization of America States (OAS) headquarters building, in Washington D.C., USA, on 21st October 2012 at 7p.m.

You are all very welcome!

Adalberto Tardelli
President CRICS9

OAS Main Building                                                                                The ceremony will be followed by a cocktail
17th Streetand Constitution Ave.                                   It will not be necessary to present the CRICS9 badge

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Released the list of selected Posters for presentation at CRICS9 Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:49:23 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 On September 12,  CRICS9 released the list of 100 Posters selected by the Evaluation Committee. It was evaluated about 150 abstracts of posters observing the criteria of relevance of the issue for the Congress, and the quality of information. Some numbers to highlight:

  • 21 countries submitted abstracts for posters
  • 16 countries with selected posters: Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, United States, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Switzerland.
  • After Brazil, with 53 posters selected, Colombia has 12 posters, Cuba 8 and Peru 6.
  • The thematic tracks “information for decision making in health” and “Information and communication technologies” tied with 31 selected posters each. On the topic “capacity building” there were 19 selected posters;  on “Telehealth” 14 selected posters and “public strategies and policies”  with 5 posters selected.

All authors who submitted abstracts were notified of the evaluation process result. Authors of selected abstracts will now start preparing the electronic version of the poster for presentation at CRICS9, following defined specifications.

List of approved posters

Guidelines for preparing posters


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Posters approved Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:42:25 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 0 Selection process for the CRICS9 posters Mon, 10 Sep 2012 20:30:20 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 The Scientific Committee advises that by September 12, 2012 all authors will be notified about the outcome of the selection process for the CRICS9 posters, which highlight eHealth experiences in the Americas.

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Message from Dr. Mirta Roses Thu, 06 Sep 2012 15:47:17 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9

The director for the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, Dr. Mirta Roses, invites health sciences professionals to participate in the 9th Regional Congress of Information in Health Sciences, which will take place 22-24 October in Washington, D.C., United States.

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Keynote speaker for CRICS9 announced Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:21:42 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez is named keynote speaker for CRICS9. He is assistant administrator for Global Health at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez was nominated by President Barack Obama and joined the USAID leadership team with a vision to shape the Bureau for Global Health’s programmatic efforts to accomplish scalable, sustainable and measurable impact on the lives of people in developing countries as envisioned in the president’s Global Health Initiative.

More information:

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Twenty one countries submit abstracts for CRICS9 Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:20:06 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 Health sciences information professionals from 21 countries submitted abstracts for the 9th Regional Congress of Information in Health Sciences (CRICS9). The most popular thematic tracks were “Information for decision making in health”, “Information and communication technologies” and “Capacity Building”. These were followed by posters on “Telehealth” and on “Public Strategies and policies” .

All the sub-regions of the Americas (Southern Cone, Andean Countries, Central America, North American and the Caribbean) were represented, in addition to submissions from Africa, Asia and Europe. The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of CRICS9, according to criteria such as the quality of the information and the relevance to the five tracks and subtopics of the Congress.

Professionals interested in attending CRICS9 have until October 14th to register online. After that date, professionals can register at the venue of the Congress, which will take place in Washington, DC, United States, 22-24 October.

The slogan of CRICS9 is “eHealth: reaching universal access to health”. During three days the participants of CRICS9 will be contributing through plenary sessions, round tables, panels, and workshops. The event will be preceded by the 6th Meeting of Regional Coordination of the Virtual Health Library (VHL6), to be held 20-21 October, also in Washington.

The Regional Congress of Information in Health Sciences (CRICS) is the most important forum for the exchange of information on programs, projects, systems, and networks of information and scientific communication in health in the region of the Americas. Among these programs are the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH). CRICS is organized by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), through its Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME).

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Deadline extended for CRICS9 Poster Submission – September 3rd Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:10:20 +0000 Webmaster CRICS9 The CRICS9 Organizing Committee extended the deadline for submission of abstracts for posters in CRICS9 until September 3rd

Do not miss the opportunity to present and share your experiences or research studies in “eHealth in the Americas” for the CRICS9 Poster Session. All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Congress considering the following criteria: quality of information and relevance to the theme and subthemes of CRICS9.

Send now your poster proposal via the online form available at:

To register online for CRICS9 and for additional informationvisit:

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